Ready To Use Skewers

Soaking SkewersSome people like to soak their skewers in water so they’re less likely to burn when they are grilling their kabobs.  If using this method, it’s recommended to soak them for 20-30 minutes.  You may like this quick tip so they are ready to go at a moment’s notice.


Soak them ahead of time.  (My skewers were floating to the top initially so I weighted them down with my potato masher.)


Once they have been in water for 20-30 minutes, take them out and place them in a plastic bag.  Put them in the freezer.  When you need them, simply pull them out and you’re all set.

Freezing Skewers

*Many experts agree it is unnecessary to soak skewers and them charring isn't dangerous.  So whether or not you soak them before grilling is totally personal choice.


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